220907 - African Bamana "Ntomo" mask - Mali


African Bamana mask - Mali

Hand carved from a single piece of wood .

Size: 39 cm.

Tribal Art Vintage Wooden Carved Mask in a savannah zone, the Bambara, "Bamana African Tribal Art Vintage Wooden Carved Mask" or "unbelievers African Tribal Art Vintage Wooden Carved Mask", as the Muslims have called them, belong to the large Mande group, along with the Soninke and the Malinke. Mostly farmers, but also breeders, they make up the largest ethnic group in Mali. Groups of Bambara , more specifically the are in charge of sculpting ritual objects, endowed with name African Tribal Art Vintage Wooden Carved Mask , occult energy. Using fire and magical objects, the role of healer and diviner is also attributed to them Six male associations, the Dyow , using Bambara African Tribal Art Vintage Wooden Carved Mask , structure the Bambara community: young